All you need to know about using a Derma-Roller

If you're a bearded man, you may have heard of using a derma roller on your beard. Derma rollers are a popular tool in the beauty industry, used to stimulate collagen production in the skin and improve overall skin health. But they are also useful for beard care!

In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using a derma roller on your beard and provide instructions on how to use it safely.

When the roller’s titanium needles penetrate the skin, it allows for fresh blood and collagen to rush to the surface of the skin. This helps stimulate inactive hair follicles and improves beard growth.

Benefits of Using a Derma Roller on Your Beard:

  1. Stimulates hair growth: Derma rolling can improve blood flow and circulation to the hair follicles on your face, creating an environment optimal for healthy hair growth.
  2. Thickens beard: When you use a derma roller, it creates micro-injuries on the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is essential for healthy skin and hair growth, which can result in a thicker beard.
  3. Reduces ingrown hairs: Ingrown hairs can be painful and unsightly. Using a derma roller can help prevent ingrown hairs by creating a smoother surface for hair growth and allowing hair to grow straight.
  4. Removes dead skin cells: Derma rolling also exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and debris that could clog hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.

The derma roller also

- Maximizes absorption of The Satta Beard Oil.
- Activates ‘sleeping’ follicles
- Increases blood circulation

How to Safely Use a Derma Roller on Your Beard Before you start using a derma roller on your beard, it's important to ensure that you do it safely to avoid any unwanted side effects or injuries.

  1. Cleanse your face: Before using the derma roller on your beard, make sure to cleanse your face and beard to avoid any unwanted infections or bacteria.
  2. Apply our Satta Beard Oil: Applying a serum to your beard before using the derma roller can improve the results. Serums containing vitamins and antioxidants can help boost the health of your hair.
  3. Roll gently: When using the derma roller, be gentle, and use light pressure. Roll in different directions and avoid rolling over the same spot multiple times. Aim to roll your beard for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Clean your derma roller: After use, make sure to clean your derma roller with anti-bacterial soap & water and allow it to air dry before using it again.

There is no need to use The Beard Roller more than twice a week. The skin needs time to regenerate between uses. When using it, it should be rolled over the skin with very light pressure.

The Beard Roller is personal and should never be shared. The lifetime of a beard roller is not infinite (around 3-4 months). When the needles are no longer sharp enough to penetrate the skin easily, it’s time for a replacement. Don’t use the roller on irritated or infected skin.

To conclude, using a derma roller on your beard can have great benefits when done safely and correctly. It can stimulate hair growth, thicken your beard, reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs, and remove dead skin cells. Remember to follow the safety instructions carefully. Click here to add our Derma roller to your grooming kit OR get the All You Need ManeCoat Kit!